Communications Technologies

Communications Technology in Action

Continuous subsystem operations on NASA’s IRIS (launched 2013) and TESS (launched 2018),  supporting examination of the sun’s lower atmosphere and mapping the entire sky for exoplanets and more.

NASA’s Artemis Program

The Artemis 1 launch took our single-board computers to lunar orbit on two satellites: Lunar IceCube and LunIR.

Missile Defense Agency – Cubesat Network Experiment

We developed two cubesats for MDA with integrated RF payloads based on our small form factor software defined radios (SDRs). Our SDRs were successfully tested at various distances, formations, and orientations.

Peregrine Lunar Lander

We provided X-Band Transponders for Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander, allowing Peregrine to accurately gauge distances on-approach for landing and return to the transport spacecraft.

JPL’s Deep Space Optical Communications Project

We support JPL’s DSOC Project, developing technologies to support laser communications from deep-space, Specific targeted DSOC technologies are high-peak-to-average power laser transmitters for photon-efficient optical communications, acquisition and tracking using a dim beacon in space, & developing ground photon-counting detector array technologies. 

Laser Communication Terminals
Reach farther and faster.

Lasercom offers high-speed, high-throughput data transfer across networks. We enable efficient, precise routing and control, securely linking space, air, and ground sensors with fewer downlinks and sovereign landing. Our rad-hard terminals support OISL, spacecraft-to-ground, and spacecraft-to-UAV links for civil, DOD, and commercial missions.

  • High Throughput: Connectivity to 400+ Gbps.
  • Safety First: Low probability of intercept and detect.
  • Resilience: Anti-jam alternative to RF.
  • Increased Visibility: Never wait for a ground station pass.
  • Sovereign Information Landing: Control where information is brought to Earth.
  • Customizable: Configure for GEO, MEO, LEO and on the ground.
Radio Frequency: Software Defined Radios, Transponders, and Transmitters

Radio frequency offers long-distance communications, are widely available, and can be used to transmit information over a variety of frequencies. Our cost-effective solutions are programmable on orbit, modular in design, maintain anti-jamming algorithms, and can support different data rates, frequencies, bandwiths, and interfaces.

Why RF?

  • Customer First: High data rates in support of civil, DOD, and commercial customers.
  • Resilience: Anti-jamming algorithms.
  • Rad-Hard: Systems radiation hardened up to 100 krads.
  • Customizable: Configure for LEO, MEO, GEO, and Cislunar orbits.
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Adaptable and modular.
Digital Avionics

Our adaptable, modular digital avionics suite accommodates multiple configurations to exceed your mission objectives.

  • Multiple Applications: Command & Data Handling, flight computer, propulsion control, data processing and recording, & payload sequencing
  • Rad-Hard: Radiation tolerant up to 100 krads
  • Customizable: Modular, customizable design, with multiple interface options
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Process your data, better.
Image Processing

Compact, reconfigurable, and radiation-mitigated, our high-performance processing computers have 10+ years of on-orbit spaceflight heritage.

  • Real Time: Complex image storing & compression
  • Rad-Mitigated: Alternative to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) & patented TTMR/H-Core radiation mitigation techniques
  • Customizable: User programmable on-orbit, reconfigurable to meet high-bandwidth applications
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High-performance, low power, radiation-hardened single board computer solutions.
Digital Slices

High-performance, low power, radiation-hardened single board computer solutions.

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